Discover why my passion is helping you create your best life!


I'm Dr Rebecca

Empowering You To Create The Life You Deserve

My mission is to empower other women to be happy and live life with passion, to create balance in their life.  I can relate to the journey that may have brought you to reading this page.

I know that everyone has the power within them to live the life they want, to live with purpose and feel happiness every day. But I also understand the analytical mind that often blocks us from discovering the most important knowledge you can have.

Within our weekly coaching sessions, I help you to get clear on what you want out of life, and how to take actionable steps but most importantly (the part that is often missing from coaching), we work on the inner you. Using powerful practices, you can experience more calm, happiness, better performance and sense of purpose in life. I want to help you to be able to show up as your best self for your family, that is okay to dream big and to feel passionate about life.

How it all started...

My back story.. the thing that made me get to here..

I am so lucky & grateful to have a wonderful family, beautiful home, and have been what most people would call successful in my career. But I knew there was something missing. 

 On a personal level I was anxious and feeling unhappy. I realised that rather than feeling happy with all the material successes and a wonderful family I still felt lacking in something. I wasn't being the mum and wife I wanted to be as I was trying to pour from an empty cup.

I started to have had an an unshakeable feeling/knowing that there is more. That life should flow easier and with more happiness and flow. I just knew that we were all meant to live the lives of our dreams yet so many people seem to struggle their whole lives in one way or another or live fearfully -  what I now call survival mode. If there are people in this world that feel endless joy and flow every day, then why couldn't I? Why can't everyone? What is the secret!??  

What I discovered.

How my life has changed. 

I first discovered The Law of Attraction when a friend handed me a copy of The Secret. I had already begun my own journey, one of looking at the way I viewed the world, growing an awareness of my inner self.  So I guess I was quite open to this. Honestly, if my friend had shown this to me 10 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have even read it! I am a doctor after all so very logical in my thinking. In the past I would have had absolutely no time for such ‘magical thinking' (and in fact was very judgemental of those that did 'indulge' in magical thinking).

However, since embarking on this journey, I have discovered that the way we think and feel, our 'mindset' is the key to abundance, and by abundance I mean 'a very large quantity of' (dictionary definition): health, love & success. I have fully incorporated this way of being into every aspect of my life, transforming my view of life and enjoy an abundant life. I have released so many fearful thoughts. Where I used to have worrisome thoughts and overthinking dampening my every day, I now feel happy, free and light  (It's a journey I am still on of course so I work on this everyday...). 

Since this change, life just keeps getting better and better. I am filled up with an inner joy and peace and can't even think about the person I used to be.  I have discovered that we have the choice to create the life we want, not the life that everyone around expects you to have and one that you chose at the age of 15! While my inner world has transformed, my outer world reflects this too. The steps are simple but so powerful. I've figured out a way to integrate simple, quick and powerful practices into my life that have given me my passion for life back. I am thriving and dream big! What is so amazing is that if you can re-discover what is already in you, all of your life can come into balance and you'll naturally attract to you what you want. Life will just flow. I want you to feel this release of blockers and resistance and to feel the flow of abundance. I see that everything has brought me to this point. I now choose to help others to live abundant lives and what I hope for is that those people who's lives I touch will then also be able to improve the lives of others around them.



Get results like these

I will forever think back on this experience to remember the POWER of coaching and how it can reveal to you your OWN POWER OVER YOUR LIFE. Thank you again Rebecca for making this happen!

With gratitude


Elysia, Canada


Rebecca’s coaching helped me align my actions with my core values and principles, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. I am truly grateful for the impact her sessions have had on me and would highly recommend her to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.


Becks,  West Yorkshire, UK



Rebecca is amazing! I absolutely loved her style of coaching. She really helped me bring my projects and goals into reality. It felt so good to finally accomplish the things I talked about doing for months and I could not have done it without her!


Margo, Florida USA

Some fun facts about me...

I love to walk in the countryside

I love movie nights and take-aways

I sing in a choir

My dream is to travel more to exotic locations

I'm a bit scared of cows and horses (a problem when I love to walk in the countryside. I often go with my mum and dad and hide behind them)

My favourite way to work out is dancing to a Shaun T workout.

So you know you can trust me

The boring but important stuff

If you are anything like me, you need to see proof! So although this is a bit boring and dry, I know for some of you, you'll have bypassed the rest to see what makes me qualified to help you! I have testimonials which I am adding to my page shortly, but so you know I am who I say I am..

 I am registered with the General Medical Council, UK. My registered name is Rebecca McNeill. I have been a doctor since 2004. I achieved distinction in my MRCGP (General Practitioner qualification). It's my only distinction so I'm throwing it in here. ;-) 

I went into aesthetics in 2017 and I now train at a great place in Manchester, UK called Skinviva Academy. You can check me out on their webpage. I have partnered with the previous manager of Skinviva to produce an e-learning package FACE FACTS: A practical guide to Facial Anatomy and Physiology.

This is currently being released for purchase and can also be found via Skinviva Academy webpage. I was asked to do this because I'm best known in the industry for my passion for a deeper knowledge and safety.

I have had a published research paper:  McNeill R et al. (2007) Accuracy of SPECT in differentiating frontotemporal dementia from Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 78.

I realise to some people in the medical profession, this is no big deal, but I only did this one and still get a little thrill when I see this online! Its good to celebrate successes! I have spent the last 5 years, studying, experiencing and living a different way, learning how we can change our reality by changing our inner world, becoming more aligned to my inner being.

After much meditation and daily processes, I manifested being a transformational life coach. I had absolutely no idea this would be my path but I am overjoyed that I can bring all my life experiences and lessons into a coaching and mentoring package to support others to transform. I trained to become a Transformational Law of Attraction Coach at Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy, Australia.


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