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Happy Female

The Law of Vibration

August 12, 20246 min read
The Law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction, Happy Female

Welcome to the second edition of my Blog.

My mission is to empower people to awaken to their true potential and create their best lives.

Last week, I discussed The Law of Attraction. When I first found out about this, it excited me so much. So you are telling me Rhonda (Rhonda Byrne from The Secret), that all I have to do is Ask, Believe and I will Receive? I’d like a little bit of that please!

In The Secret, she talks about vibration and frequency and how, when we are in a positive vibration and match the frequency of what we want to attract, it will be drawn to us. Okay, interesting.

I realised something that day that changed the trajectory of my life.

I had spent so much of my life being negative. Negative in my thoughts, feelings and behaviours. I was a ‘cup half empty’ person and my motto was ‘assume it will go wrong and then I’ve protected myself emotionally if it does but it will be a pleasant surprise if it goes right!’ Writing this down, I can see how awful that seems now.

I had been feeling at a loss for sometime, knowing that something was missing. I was negative. I did feel fed up a lot despite having a wonderful loving family and successful career.

I knew that I deserved to feel happiness every day and create the life I wanted.

Now I needed to focus on raising my vibration to attract my dream life. I certainly was not going to attract anything from my negative temperament!

From that moment I have not stopped and it has changed my life. I now feel happiness each day. I am so much calmer. I no longer feel worried and fearful. Life still throws challenges at me but I am more equipped to manage them now and honestly, life simply feels magical most of the time.

Hopefully now you’re intrigued. So, what is The Law of Vibration? Let’s dive in..

The Law of Vibration

Science has proven that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable. They are different forms of the same thing. In other words everything is energy.  Energy is always in a state of movement - vibrating energy.  

The vibration determines the nature of the energy. So matter (our bodies!) vibrates at a lower frequency and our thoughts and emotions vibrate at a higher frequency.

We can use this concept to achieve our goals.

When our vibration matches the vibration of our desires it will be drawn to us, so that people, circumstances and events line up to help us achieve it.

For example, if we want more prosperity, it is important to focus on thoughts and feelings of abundance and gratitude. Thoughts of ‘I want more money’ are at a vibration of lack so you will get more lack. By raising your vibration to thinking and feeling positively this will attract opportunities that match this vibration.

High vibration emotions include gratitude and joy. Low vibrating emotions include fear and anger.

Often our thoughts and hidden subconscious beliefs are not aligned which is why people struggle to manifest. Your goal might be to have a new successful career, but if you have no belief that it is possible, or that you are capable, it will be more difficult to achieve.

In future episodes I’ll tell you all about how by doing the work to raise your vibration, you are rewiring your brain to think and therefore feel differently. When your state of being is wired for success, your subconscious mind then notices opportunities, and events that will help you to achieve your goal.

And of course, this is not about sitting back and making a wish, you must take action when these new opportunities arise.

So if you are struggling at all to get your head around The Law of Vibration and it seems too much like ‘magical thinking’,  know that there is lots of science around our ability to change the circuitry of our brain, and the power of our thinking and emotions to change our biology, and even influence events external to us. I love both the mystical and science of changing our mind to change our reality. It is so exciting!

What practices can help to raise your vibration?

  1. Stay alert to your thoughts. If you practice being aware of them, over time, it gets easier to catch yourself when thinking gloomy or worried thoughts. Then you can try to refocus onto something more positive. The smallest improvement makes a big difference.

  2. Your feelings are a guide to your thoughts. If you feel bad, consider what is going on in your mind. Again, try to think of something that makes you feels better in your mood.

  3. Meditation. Meditation helps you to be present. From the present moment, you can create your life rather than creating it from stressful thinking (usually about the past or future). It will also cultivate more clarity, calm, and has so many benefits on mental and physical health. The better you feel in yourself, the higher your vibration will be.

  4. Visualise. Each day try to spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, visualising the life you want. Get fully emersed in the experience and feel as if it has already happened.

  5. Gratitude. Start practicing gratitude. Buy a beautiful new journal. By feeling grateful for what you have now, and for your future, you will be in a high vibration and be magnetic to your desires. Also, the more you practice this, the more you can rewire your brain into a positive thinking.

A last note

When you do the work to raise your vibration, build up slowly, but be consistent. Ultimately this must become a new way of living, of being.  When you meditate in the morning you must then take the feeling of calm and happiness in to your day. So if your boss says something to annoy you, you can use the practice to stay present and not react.

It takes time and the work never stops,  but the change to your life will be so profound that it will simply become the new you. You will look back at some point to the old you and know that you are now a conscious creator of  your life.

I hope you have enjoyed this. I’ll be back soon! In the meantime, below are ways I can help you further if at any point you are ready:

If you would like one to one coaching, I can help you overcome blockers, and support you to start creating the life you want.

I offer a FREE Discovery Call, so you can get a feel for it all and we can see if it’s a good fit. Book here

If you would like to join a group of women focused on creating their best lives, committed to becoming a more conscious version of themselves, join my wait list for Amazingly Abundant Membership coming soon! (Let me know by responding to the email).

Alternatively, you can read more on my website. Click here

With much love,


Dr Rebecca McNeill

doctor, life coach

Dr Rebecca McNeill

doctor, life coach

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