Welcome to my Amazingly Abundant Blog!

Happiness and wellbeing

Be a Conscious Creator of your life!

August 05, 20245 min read

“Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire.” - Unknown

Welcome to the first edition of my Blog! (So exciting!)

My mission is to empower people to awaken to their true potential and create their best lives.

In each newsletter I’ll do a deep dive into a particular topic which I hope will inspire and motivate you to create the life you deserve.

I’m incredibly excited to share my own learnings, insights and experience and empower you to move towards your goals.

We are all on the same journey of discovery so let’s do it together. Let us create the life of our dreams. I can’t wait to support you on your journey.

So for the first topic…

Let’s start with reminding you of how powerful you really are.

Empowered woman

You can consciously create your life.

Realise it or not, we have the power to create the life we want through our thoughts, feelings and actions.

To manifest you must set a clear intention of what you want. What is your goal? is it a new career, more money, better relationships, better health? Or are you looking for more happiness, a sense of purpose, more spirituality?

Once you are clear on what you want, you must focus your thoughts and feelings to magnetise yourself to it. If you want a new career, you should get specific about what qualities you would like in it. For example, ‘I want a job that gives me financial freedom, that allows me to work the hours I want, and doing something I feel passionate about’

Then, think about why you want it. What is the ultimate purpose of it? How will you feel once you have the new career? Grateful? Free? Happy?

Next you might visualise yourself, as if it has already happened. What is going on in the vision? What is different? What new things can you see in your life? Feel how you would feel if it had already happened. If you’re not sure how you would feel, try to feel gratitude as this is usually what we feel when we get something we want!

Then you must take action. You should try to embody the person you want to become; their qualities and the way they feel in themselves. You could take some first steps towards achieving your desire. Brainstorm 20 ideas that could help you move towards your goal and do one thing today, even if that is just a google search for ideas.

So how does it all work?

You have no doubt heard about the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is the Law that ‘like attracts like’. We attract what we are thinking and feeling. There is a lot of really interesting science that proves that everything in the universe is energy from the cosmos down to the cells in our body and the subatomic particles.

Emotions are vibrating energy (Emotions = Energy in Motion). If we feel good, this is high vibration emotion, and we will attract good experiences. Low vibration emotions such as fear and anger will attract negative experiences. So whether people are aware or not The Law of Attraction is always working for them.

Once we are clear on what we want, and set an intention, it is sent out into the universe as a request and when we feel positive emotions as if it has happened the event is drawn to us. People, circumstances and events will align to help draw that future to you. As this happens you must take action so you are co-creating with the universe.

What is important to recognise is your general emotional tendency. If you tend towards stressed and fearful thinking, you cannot attract the things you want.

What practices can help?

  1. Stay alert to your thoughts. If you practice being aware of them, over time, it gets easier to catch yourself when thinking gloomy or worried thoughts. Then you can try to refocus onto something more positive. The smallest improvement makes a big difference.

  2. Your feelings are a guide to your thoughts. If you feel bad, consider what is going on in your mind. Again, try to think of something that makes you feels a little better in your mood.

  3. Meditation. Meditation helps you to be present. From the present moment, you can create your life rather than creating it from stressful thinking (usually about the past or future). It will also cultivate more clarity, calm, and has so many benefits on mental and physical health. The better you feel in yourself, the higher your vibration will be.

  4. Visualise. Each day try to spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, visualising the life you want. As above, get fully emersed in the experience and feel as if it has already happened.

  5. Gratitude. Start practicing gratitude. Buy a beautiful new journal. By feeling grateful for what you have now, and for your future, you will be in a high vibration and be magnetic to your desires. Also, the more you practice this, the more you can rewire your brain into a positive thinking.

Get Excited!

Start to feel excited and empowered. What this all means is that you can decide right now how you would like your life to look, and you can literally set the universe into motion even if you can’t see it yet. It’s not hard work, it just takes commitment. Can you do that?

Say YES! Feel the energy around just committing to making a change. It feels good!

I hope you have enjoyed this. I’ll be back soon! In the meantime, below are ways I can help you further if at any point you are ready:

If you would like further help:

  1. If you would like one to one coaching, I can help you overcome blockers, and support you to start creating the life you want.

    I offer a free taster session so you can get a feel for it all and we can see if it’s a good fit. Book here

  2. If you like to join a community of women who are dedicated to creating their best life through changing their mindset and becoming more conscious, get in touch to join the wait list! I'm so excited to connect even more with you.

Alternatively, you can read more on my website. Click here

Best wishes,


doctor, life coach

Dr Rebecca McNeill

doctor, life coach

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